
Travelling Update

Hi Everybody,

we would like to give you some update on what we have been up to for those of you interested πŸ™‚ We haven’t been very good at blogging recently as we have been busy with all our health retreats and guests who came and stayed with us to learn more about raw food and alternative ways of life as well as going through a healing process to help them with their health conditions.

Travelling with the kids

Travelling with the kids

We were also busy with co-creating an intentional community here in Australia where we wanted to build our yurt and live a very alternative lifestyle, grow our own organic food and find our extended family as our family is all in Europe. We have finally pulled out from this project for personal reasons and now decided to go back to Europe to visit our family and friends, travel a bit and spend 3 months there.
We have also been visited by Ivanna Benesova , a Czech film producer. Ivanna has been filming a documentary about Czech families and individuals who live in Australia and have some interesting story to share. The document called Australian Dream should be available in Czech TV Β this summer.

Once we get back to Australia we plan to explore this country a bit more so we probably be heading up North and enjoy the beauty of this majestic continent. This means that we should be travelling again for at least 5-6 months. How exciting!

Once we are in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we are planning to organize some raw food workshops or any debates you are interested in so get in touch in case you want to meet us or organize an event. We won’t be charging for such events, just ask for a donation in case you find information we share beneficial to you πŸ™‚

Speaking about donations – Michal and I have created Raw Eva Foundation so now you can support our work which we do for free so we can keep doing what we have been doing, helping you as well as others πŸ™‚

See you Europe, very soon πŸ™‚ XXX

  1. Barbora April 27, 2015 / Reply
    • Raw Eva April 30, 2015 / Reply

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