
Life Changing Programme – Testimonials by Silvia & Kasper

Hi Everyone 🙂

I’m happy to post our first testimonials to our Life Changing Programme (LCHP) which helps people to change something in their lives, giving them some sort of direction, deal with any particular health or other issues. The LCHP we offer is a swap trade rather than monetary exchange as we love showing people that not everything cost money and there are certain things you just cannot buy for money, instead you can be creative, helpful, trust others and give & offer whatever you can and think such a programme is worth for you.

We welcomed Silvia and her little son Kaspi here in Australie in February and they stayed for three weeks. Here is what Silvia says about her stay with us 🙂

  1. What did you expect from the”life changing programme” (LCHP)?

At the time, when I have applied for the LCHP, I have not had any particular set of expectation in my head of what I would like to achieve from this experience. The truth is that I was at the stage of my life when I felt completely secure, comfortable and relax to what I had and I needed to take on the challenge and kind of new direction in our lives. I was ready to walk the road I have never walked before and take my 4-year old son along with me. My determination was to go on this adventure with an open mind and absorb as much as possible of what the journey had to offer. In this case our journey with Eva, Michal, Eliska and Tomas was of “limitless possibilities” allowing us to make new friends, experience new culture, food and different family setting, see new places and various life-styles. What proved to be most true about our LCHP is that we got out of it what we put into it. We have learned that stretching our comfort zone is mandatory for our own development`s sake.

Raw Food programme


2. What issues did you want to deal with?

I was pretty much a regular visitor of your blog web page and I found your family story very inspiring, in terms of family set-up, raw food diet, finance, spirituality and travelling. I believe a family with both full-time parents where children are given the number one priority is very rare nowdays. So when you contacted us about being selected for the LCHP I was very trilled to be given the opportunity to experience the whole “family package”. The only visible issue I wanted to deal with was my desire to incorporate more raw food into our daily diet and deal with some minor health issues. I was looking for inspiration, guidance, practical tips and first-hand experience of eating raw.

3. Was the LCHP a success for you and what have you learned in terms of health, finance and relationships?

 Here are several reasons the LCHP was a success story for me and my son:

  • In terms of health I have learned that we do not necessary have to eat raw or being vegetarian 100% in order to live a healthy life-style. Surely, it is a parent responsibility to present healthy food and help the kid to understand why and how we eat the way we do. However, restricting our kids to healthy foods only might create dislike rather than acceptance of such food. Ironically, before embarking on this journey I was one of those moms, overly stressed every time my child asked to taste the “junk food”.  With Eva`s guidance and advise about the food in general, I have learned to overcome the expectation of perfect healthy eating. So now, even if we eat something little unhealthy, I am relax, we are not going to die.
  • When it comes to finance, in modern society, we tend to feel we never have enough and are afraid that we never will.  Living with Eva and Michal I had the opportunity to witness the attitude of “we have enough and we are ready to share it”. Something very liberating, when we realize we can do many things even with “enough” resources. At the end of the day, it comes down to living a life when moments are given priorities before stuff. Seeing my son feeding kengurus, running on the beach, sleeping under the tent was absolutely more rewarding than anything I could have ever purchased for him.
  • On the relationships level, I have learned the importance of telling the truth. Something so simple, yet so difficult to practice. The first day I entered Eva and Michal`s house we have agreed to speak openly about any possible problems or obstacles that would get in our way. Living with someone you have never met under the same roof for 3 weeks could be challenging but not under such circumstances. It was great feeling not to hold the things back.

4. What was the biggest challenge for you?

From the moment we were given the affirmative answer to take part in the LCHP, I felt pretty much fear-free about our upcoming adventure, in terms of possible challenges. Eva and Michal were very supportive and easy to talk to, genuinely eager to walk us through the entire experience. Thanks to their positive attitude I have gained a confidence of whatever challenge we would go through they would be there for us. The biggest challenge I had to face throughout the entire stay was related to my long-term state of sleep deprivation and late going to bed times back home. The raw food diet, Australian weather and my well relaxed state of mind allowed my body to finally cleanse and recharged. However, during this process I felt often tired and ended up going to bed with all the kids in the house. Sleeping for about 12 hours a night seemed to be a norm for me.

Raw Food Programme

Enjoying raw food breakfast

5. Was the LCHP a success for you and what have you learned in terms of health, finance and relationships?

 Here are several reasons the LCHP was a success story for me and my son:

  • In terms of health I have learned that we do not necessary have to eat fully raw or being vegetarian or vegan 100% in order to live a healthy life-style. Surely, it is a parent responsibility to present healthy food and help the kid to understand why and how we eat the way we do. However, restricting our kids to healthy foods only might create dislikes rather than acceptance of such food. Ironically, before embarking on this journey I was one of those moms, overly stressed every time my child asked to taste the “junk food”.  With Eva`s guidance and advise about the food in general, I have learned to overcome the expectation of perfect healthy eating and perfect family picture! So now, even if we eat something little unhealthy, I am relaxed, we are not going to die 🙂
  • When it comes to finance, in modern society, we tend to feel we never have enough and are afraid that we never will.  Living with Eva and Michal I had the opportunity to witness the attitude of “we have enough and we are ready to share it”. Something very liberating, when we realize we can do many things even with “enough” resources. At the end of the day, it comes down to living a life when moments are given priorities before stuff. Seeing my son feeding kangaroos, running on the beach, sleeping under the tent was absolutely more rewarding than anything I could have ever purchased for him.
  • On the relationships level, I have learned the importance of telling the truth. Something so simple, yet so difficult to practice. The first day I entered Eva and Michal`s house we have agreed to speak openly about any possible problems or obstacles that would get in our way. Living with someone you have never met under the same roof for 3 weeks could be challenging but not under such circumstances. It was great feeling not to hold the things back.

Raw Food programme

Enjoying Australia

6. What would you tell people who want to participate?

I would truly recommend the LCHP to anybody who wants to expand their horizon and improve their present life situation. I have found this LCHP a very unique from the perspective of its multifaceted nature. Two well-rounded and warm people, Eva and Michal, are open to share their knowledge and expertise in several fields, included but not limited to raw food, finance, healthy and happy living, spirituality and finance. There is no such thing as a topic that could not be brought up for discussion in their house. So, if anybody wants to break out of the comfort zone, don’t be scared to do something you’d never normally do.  If you believe you can – you might – even if it doesn’t go as smoothly as planned you should always try it, because this experience is worth it.

7. Anything else you want to say? Positive/Negative?

I am very thankful to Eva and Michal for allowing me to bring my son along with on this journey, something that is not really common with other LCHP programs. The fact that we could go through this experience together added an extra value to the whole “trip”. Seeing things through children’s eyes is always magical, especially when you find yourself in new environment. Children are born curious, and new environments bring out that natural curiosity. Whether we learned about new plants, animals, fruits or foods, discovering rain forest, wildlife park or sandy beaches, staying in a tent, house, yurt or hotel, watching dolphins jumping out of the ocean, or teaching ourselves on how to open a coconut, just because we could, I realized that we both learned constantly throughout this whole experience.

Anything negative I would mention about the LCHP is its length. Once, we have let ourselves immersed into the life changing mode, the programme was over.  I have found 3 weeks were simply not enough, adding jet lag and cyclone occurrence during our stay and I would definitely prolong the programme for another week or two.

For all of you, I would conclude with the words of, Henry Junttila, “Most people aren’t ready for life changes. They avoid any and all solutions, because they are comfortable where they are. And that’s fine with me, but if you make that choice, you have no right to complain or make excuses. You either choose to be where you are, or you choose to change your life. The choice is yours. Healing starts with seeing that you are not your thoughts; you are the awareness behind them. Thoughts come and go, but your true nature never changes.”

Eva, Michal, Eliska and Tomas, thank you big time for making this experience unforgettable!!!

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