Monthly Archive:: October 2015

Raw Bread Recipes – Life Changing Experience
October 26, 2015
Many thanks to all of you who have completed my readers survey for 2015! I really appreciate your time, suggestions and comments 🙂 Many of you were begging for more raw bread recipes 🙂 So I have decided to post one and then include a freebie with additional two bread recipes (one is a life

Grilled Eggplant With Quinoa – Vegetarian Recipe
October 23, 2015
I’d like to thank all of you who have completed my readers survey for 2015. I have learned a lot from your suggestions and would like you to know that I really pay attention to what you say! 🙂 You can still complete the survey to ensure I know what you want from me and

Help Me to Help You :)
October 17, 2015
Hi my Dear friend 🙂 I have been running my blog for almost 3 years now and I want to ensure my platform does the best possible job of answering your needs and interests. And that means I need to know more about you 🙂 To do that, I’ve created my 2015 Readers Survey Would you please

How To Increase Energy – 10 Practical Tips
October 5, 2015
Following Zuzana’s powerful and very inspirational story, I have decided to share my 10 practical tips on how to increase energy and keep you healthy. This is especially for all of you, struggling with some health issues, additional weight, and low energy levels. Anybody can benefit from these tips and I would love to hear from