Monthly Archive:: November 2014

Raw Iced Coffee
November 30, 2014
For those of you following me on facebook it is a not a new information that I’m still a coffee addict trying to quit my morning cuppa 🙂 I have tried many raw recipes so far, but simply missed the coffee taste in them.. so I decided to keep trying and invented this recipe which satisfies

Marble Vanilla-Chocolate Cheesecake
November 27, 2014
I teach this marble vanilla chocolate cheesecake at my Raw Food Workshops as this require a bit of practice and to see exactly the consistency of creams in order to marble two colours 🙂 This cake is simply delicious! Here is the recipe for 23 cm spring form 🙂 Ingredients: Crust: 1 ½ cup almonds 10-12

Raw Foodism in Pregnancy
November 19, 2014
Raw foodism in pregnancy? Is it possible? And more importantly, is it healthy and safe? You can live high or even 100% raw food lifestyle while being pregnant. There is no reason why a woman blessed to be pregnant can’t eat a high raw diet during pregnancy, and no doctor will tell you that raw

Diabetes Type II Managed By Raw Foods
November 18, 2014
Diabetes Type II Managed By Raw Foods?? YES!! I thought I would share with you how my parents manage their health issues by eating raw foods and how they significantly changed their lifestyle. We focused on managing my dad’s diabetes type II. They have been my first ‘clients’ 🙂 and I’m thankful to them that they have been so