New Web With Health Information
November 23, 2016
Hi everyone, I haven’t been blogging for a while here as many things have changed in our lives and year of 2016 was full of changes in general… Firstly, my dear mum has suddenly died in May and we spent 2 months in Europe

Mini Pancakes Recipe
January 19, 2016
I always wonder how to use all the pulp from the juices we drink on a daily basis. I’m pretty sure you have many ideas too and I thought I’m going to share this mini pancake recipe as an example how to use the

My Book Has Arrived :)
January 15, 2016
Hi everybody, I’m so excited to share with you that my book has finally arrived from Europe to Australia and I can eventually hug my ‘third baby’. It is an evidence-based publication as well as a cookbook with over 70 raw, vegan and vegetarian recipes

7 Tips For Acne Free Skin
December 29, 2015
Before the 2015 ends, I’d like to wish all of you a happy New Year, lots of health and happiness not only in 2016 but more years to come. Thaks for being here with me, for all your support, comments, feedback and suggestions. I

Raw Buckwheat Risotto Recipe
November 25, 2015
Today I’d like to share one of the recipes I have created for our friend who came to stay for the weekend with us to experience raw food lifestyle and learn more about this delicious and healthy cuisine. Buckwheat is super nutritious, high in

6 Tips To Eliminate Parasites
November 17, 2015
How to eliminate parasites? This is a very frequent question I have been asked recently so I thought I would give you 6 tips to eliminate parasites. I’d like to mention here that I have been studying the “art” of Functional Medicine (FM) for

Live Webinar – How To Get Your Children Super Healthy, Strong & Focused!
November 13, 2015
Hi, I’m so excited to share with you a success I’m experiencing with my newly written and published evidence-based book (in the Czech language) focused on raw foodism, vegetarianism and veganism and suitability of such diets for children (over 1000 copies sold by now!).

How To Get Your Kids Healthy, Strong & Focused!
November 10, 2015
Hi, I know that many of you are parents who have a million questions and especially with regards to the health of your children. This is a very hot topic and I’d like to answer your most frequent questions in relation to raw foods and

Acid Alkaline Diet – Can Body Get Acidic?
November 8, 2015
Acid alkaline diet is a very hot topic! During my debates in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, I have been asked many questions and one of frequently asked one was related to food combining and body acidity in relation to acid forming foods. I

Raw Bread Recipes – Life Changing Experience
October 26, 2015
Many thanks to all of you who have completed my readers survey for 2015! I really appreciate your time, suggestions and comments 🙂 Many of you were begging for more raw bread recipes 🙂 So I have decided to post one and then include