How To Be Happy!
July 31, 2014
I guess everybody wants to be happy. But the question is how to be happy?…..Is there a right answer? Today I’d like to share my thoughts and my personal answers which you may or may not resonate with 🙂
It was the 27th of October 2012 when Michal got home from one of David Icke’s events in London and said: ‘Eva, we should move to Australia. What do you think?’ And I instinctively said: ‘Yes’. Nine months later we were on the plane from London to Sydney – our inner voice was telling us what to change to be happy. So instead of complaining, we took the action and made a decision.
I have always followed my instincts. My sign of Zodiac is Pisces and they are well known for that. I also believe I helped Michal to open his heart and get his instincts to show up. Since then it feels like anything is possible and we are both well connected as a couple.
We found for ourselves that the best for us and our family is to simply be happy. But we didn’t feel that way. Michal was unhappy because he used to work long hours in a financial industry in London, he didn’t see our daughter (as an only child that time) very often and he felt he was missing one of the most amazing period of being a father. I on the other hand tried to be the best mother I could be, but often felt tired and sometimes missed my job (I loved my job I must say). I also felt I needed a break from our little one who was and still is very demanding as every child. That time we lived in London, we didn’t have much and we felt this is not a life we want to live.
We were discussing this ‘hidden unhappiness’ very often, we felt depressed about the UK weather, we missed the sun, connection with the ocean on a daily basis, warm climate..we felt out of energy..I started working again, just part time which I really enjoyed..but still I didn’t feel truly happy..something was missing and I became obsessed about what it was! As one of my most loved teachers said: You can only find happiness within!
Once you find a happiness within yourself, nobody can take it away from you and you experience the truly happiness.
Once you find a happiness within yourself, nobody can take it away from you and you experience the truly happiness.
Then in March 2012 (I celebrated my 30th birthday) I decided to go to Ecuador and experience a retreat with Ayahuasca (Michal went in 2010). I really wanted to find my Master within to guide me! That time it meant to leave my 15 months old daughter with my mother in law and Michal. It was the first time of a real separation which was very hard for me as a mother. But I really wanted to be happy! I knew if i’m not happy, I cannot spread this happiness to others!
What I experienced in Ecuador cannot be explained by words. It was just an amazing, life changing experience and I cannot thank enough to my husband, mother in law and all friends who supported me on this journey. Both Michal and I realized many things due to our ayahuasca retreats such as what is REALLY important in our lives and the fact we should learn how to LET GO and LOVE everybody and everything unconditionally. It was and still is hard especially for me. After this retreat, I re-connected to my Master within, fell pregnant with our second child and felt blessed and very happy. (You can read more about my Ayahuasca retreat here).

How to be happy
In October as I have already mentioned, we decided to move to Australia. I gave an orgasmic birth to our beautiful son Tomas who was born at home and we have started our raw food lifestyle journey…all in December 2012.
I accepted myself, who I am- my body, my soul and started loving myself. I started being happy again!
I personally believe that SELF LOVE and self acceptance is a truly key for our happiness.
So how to be happy and healthy? For us it means:
- Self love – I really believe that if you don’t like yourself you cannot be happy, love and be loved by others. Your fullest potential becomes activated once you love yourself. But how to accept yourself, how to start loving yourself?
In my case, I started loving myself after giving birth to our son Tomas. It was such an extraordinary experience I cannot even explain. I had an orgasmic birth at home, I sang while having contractions and was amazed by my body. I thanked and kissed my body for helping me to give birth to another amazing soul which chose us as parents and since then I have loved myself.
How to help others to find the same? Can we even help? At least, I can give you some tips which I believe might be helpful to you. I have also been inspired by Tantra and its teachings:
a) Raw food lifestyle will help you for sure as all your senses will become more sensitive
b) drinking pure, high quality water;
b) drinking pure, high quality water;
c) when you see your naked body in the mirror, look with the eyes of someone in love with you. Remember, beauty arises from how you experience yourself from within;
d) take regular exercise (Saying that, I haven’t been very good at this one recently!)
e) date with yourself – dress up nicely and look forward to it and treat yourself nicely for a day.
Once you love yourself, you’ll become magnetically attractive to others! You will be happy with yourself! Our bodies are energy. Everything around us is an energy; your thoughts are energy, just remind yourself all the time and focus your thoughts positively. You will attract positive things. Having said that, it must really come from your heart not your brain:)
Be happy – I believe happiness is our natural state. We were born with it, but unfortunately unplugged from the source as we grow up. Everyone should figure out what makes him truly happy. But I bet you it won’t be anything materialistic. Remember when you bought something which you really wanted? The happiness – the moment didn’t last long and you tend to buy another thing. It’s like a hunger…you eat something and after a few hours you are hungry again. A hunger for happiness I call it. Once you find happiness within you, then you are a winner!Again, here are some tips from my personal experience:
a) meditate – it might be gardening, yoga, walking on the beach/bush or just concentrating on yourself. I practice this quite regularly as what I found with myself was that I actually couldn’t be with myself alone. I always tried to find activities, friends, social media or reading/studying in order to entertain myself. Now, I really appreciate every moment being alone and take it as exercise to learn about my soul, what it needs and cries for.
b) Be gentle to yourself – I found that a majority of people are too tough. I don’t blame them as this is what we are taught from early childhood. Just be gentle, understanding and let yourself make mistakes. It is fine to make mistakes and not being perfect!
c) follow your instincts and live your dreams! -
Raw food lifestyle – Eating living foods is so natural to us, so easy and gives you freedom, energy, health, happiness and love. I cannot express much enough how living raw food lifestyle has changed our lives.
Love– the most powerful and beautiful vibration on Earth and in the Universe. Loving unconditionally everyone and everything.
We are still on our journey though, we are not perfect therefore we are here on this planet Earth to learn and accept all challenges…Lots of love…and be happy!